Ultimate Crochet Hook Review: which hook is right for you?

There’s no such thing as the perfect crochet hook. There may be a perfect hook for you, but not all hooks work for all people.

Yesterday, you learned all about the differences between different styles of hooks. Today, you’re going to learn how to pick a hook that’s right for you.

Finding the right hook for you takes some trial and error, but you can narrow down your search by paying attention to your crochet habits. Here’s a little quiz that will help you out:

Do you roll your hook? When you’re crocheting, do you roll the handle around in your hand? Or do you like to keep your thumb firmly planted? If you’re a roll-er, then you’d do best with a hook without a thumb rest.

pictured: Susan Bates Bamboo Handle

Hooks to try: ChiaoGoo Bamboo, Addi Bamboo, Addi Comfort Grip, Clover Takumi, Etimo Cushion Grip.

Do you crochet tightly? If you tend to crochet very tightly, a hook with a tapered throat will probably only make the problem worse (as you’re tempted to pull the yarn tightly around the thinner parts of the throat). Try a hook with an inline throat.

Hooks to try: Susan Bates (all models), any hook made from Bamboo (because of the way tapered hooks thin at the top, most wooden/bamboo hooks feature inline throats for strength).

Are you always splitting your yarn? If so, you probably need a hook with a rounder (rather than a pointier) tip.

Hooks to try: HiyaHiya, Addi Comfort Grip, Susan Bates (Bamboo, Quicksilver and Aluminum), Boye crochet hook, Kollage Square Hook, Addi Swing, ChiaoGoo Bamboo Handle.

Do you find it difficult to insert your hook into the next stitch? Then you’re a candidate for a pointy crochet hook!

pictured: ChiaoGoo Premium Bamboo hook

Hooks to try: Almost any wooden/bamboo crochet hook sports a pointy tip, including: Addi Bamboo, ChiaoGoo Bamboo, Clover Takumi, Brittany

Do you toss your hooks into one bag and then forget what size they are? You need a hook that has the hook size permanently etched/carved into the hook. Otherwise, you’ll be stuck pulling out your gauge every time you need to crochet!

Hooks to try: Addi Comfort Grip (color-coded handles), Susan Bates (raised lettering on all models), Boye (raised lettering), ChiaoGoo (sizes laser-etched into all models), Boye (raised lettering on all models)

Have you broken your fair share of hooks? You’ll need one that’s super strong. There are a few varieties to try. Metal hooks are very difficult to break. Plastic hooks are flexible, so they bend easily and are slow to break.

Hooks to try: Any metal or acrylic hook. If you love bamboo, try ChiaoGoo, which is made from Chinese Moso bamboo, which is supposed to be the strongest bamboo around.

Do you find it hard to ‘catch’ your yarn while crocheting? A hook with a deep groove may be just the answer you’re looking for.

Hooks to try: Kollage Square hook, Susan Bates (all models).

Looking for something a little fancy? Do you make a statement with your hook? Then you’d probably love one with a decorative handle.

pictured: Furls handcarved hook

Hooks to try: Furls handcarved hook, Brittany.

Do your hands ache after too much crocheting? A handle with a comfort or ergonomic grip might help you out. A comfort grip is a handle that is bigger than a standard handle, and easier to hold. Ergonomic grips are curved to fit in the palm of your hand.

pictured: ChiaoGoo Comfort Grip

Hooks to try: Addi Swing, Addi Comfort Grip, Etimo Comfort Grip, ChiaoGoo Comfort Grip, Susan Bates Bamboo Handle, Kollage Square Hook.

Do you have arthritis? If you have arthritis, crocheting can be an achy task. You may find crocheting with an ergonomic or comfort grip (above) more comfortable. I’ve heard some folks with achy hands prefer plastic hooks (since they bend in your hand as you work) or wooden/bamboo hooks (because they’re warmer than metal) helpful.

Hooks to try: Susan Bates Crystalites, ChiaoGoo bamboo, Clover Takumi.

Do you have trouble seeing your stitches? If you need a lot of light to see well while crocheting, a light-up or glow-in-the-dark hook might come to your rescue!

Hooks to try: Susan Bates SmartGlo, Clover Crochet Lite.

How’d you do in the quiz? I’m a thumb-rest user who tends to split stitches and likes a deep groove… how about you?

Here are handy links to all the posts about crochet tools and supplies.

Return to the main table of contents for Let’s Learn to Crochet Amigurumi.

Move on to the posts about yarn.

Happy stitching!


  1. WES SAYS...

    I would say that not ALL Susan Bates have a deep groove to catch the yarn. With their new design the groove is not nearly as deep as it used to be. There was a big discussion about this on Rav in the CLF forum.

    • @WES- I totally agree. With the new design, the groove isn’t nearly as deep as it used to be. You’ll appreciate the topic of tomorrow’s post… a look at the differences in the new design, and which hook style isn’t changing 🙂

  2. Meg P. SAYS...

    Love the series and the suggestions, but you forgot a truly great option for people with arthritis or aching hands. I have severe tendonitis and can only crochet with the Clover Soft Touch hooks; they have plastic handles with permanently marked sizes. I’ve tried every style of handle, and these offer a level of comfort for me that the others don’t.

  3. I’m loving this series. Of course, it makes me want to buy yet more crochet hooks! I have pretty successfully whittled down my collection so I don’t have a ton of extras (except for specialized hooks for Tunisian, etc.). Can I blame you if I end up buying more hooks that I don’t really need? 🙂

    • @Marie… uh, yes. Totally okay to blame me! 😉

  4. Sandy Sawyers SAYS...

    I love then Clover Japan Soft Touch Hooks. I do have arthritis and these don’t irritate my hands.

  5. Rae Haller SAYS...

    I found it interesting to read of people with arthritis needing different hooks. I am sure this is true. I find with my arthritis I can not cut meat at a restaurant unless I have a larger handled steak knife like they give you at steak houses. However, just the act of crocheting helps my hands. I unusually use Susan Bates hooks, one even has a wooden handle grip. But I also have quite a few Boye hooks, too. All but one work fine, my I hook in Boye has a rough neck, so it catches the yarn some of the time. I need to get a replacement hook. My hands hurt less while crocheting, and I am eternally grateful for that. Now I can crochet all I want and know it is helping my arthritis too. How great is that!

    • That is great news, Rae! Consider yourself a lucky duck!

  6. kathy cooper SAYS...

    I have bought the Addi comfort hook and its just great–love them and back to buy the complete set,

  7. BeagleMom SAYS...

    for me it is Furl’s and Sharky’s turned wooden hooks….the fatter the better…. i’m a definite *roll my hook*-er….and i like the deep inline throats….and i’m one of those weird ones who has no tension at all….i don’t *hook* my yarn, i yo with my left hand…..