In this video I show you how to chain piece quilt blocks for speedy piecing.
This is a really common technique in the quilt world, so I know a lot of you will be familiar with it already.
If it’s new to you – prepare for your world to be rocked.
It’s just amazing how much time you save by not snipping threads on each set of blocks as you go.
I don’t just use this technique for quilting. I use it any time I’m sewing more than one set of things together.
If I’m working on a puppy softie and I have four sets of paws, a tail and two sets of ears to sew up, I chain them all together. I do backstitch at the beginning and end of each of those sets – but I don’t cut the threads until I’m done with the whole chain.
Here’s the video. . .
See how easy?
This is the technique I’m using to sew up all those itty bitty blocks in the Controlled Chaos Scrappy Quilt-Along. I’ll be sharing the next block in that quilt tomorrow!
Happy quilting!
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