Can I tell you something?
When I hear folks complaining about the USPS, it makes me a little sad. Because I adore the postal service.
The US postal service provides an amazing service and isn’t in as much financial trouble as the rumors report.
My postal carrier delivers mail to my doorstep 6 days a week. He picks up packages from my door to take back to the postal office. And USPS will hold or forward my mail if I go on vacation or move.
Isn’t that amazing?
If that strikes you as ‘same old, same old’, then let’s chat about the postal service in other countries:
- In Australia, the postman does not pick up letters from your door. Or deliver on Saturdays.
- Some countries do not offer a hold on mail, so you are responsible for managing your own packages while on vacation. Other countries charge a fee.
- The Canada Post had a 12 day strike in 2011, leaving many people (and businesses!) unable to conduct their normal business. Can you imagine?
- The USPS cost of shipping a package is much cheaper than in many other countries!
We receive continuous service for a low price (even despite last year’s price increase). And USPS does it all without any taxpayer money (unlike Britain’s post, where low prices are a result of heavy subsidies)!
You may have heard that the post office is experiencing financial difficulties, which is true. It’s happening all across the world as people send fewer letters.
However, much of the losses come from government legislation requiring USPS to pre-fund a benefit account, a unique funding situation most companies don’t have to contend with.
Yeah, it’s a tough situation… but don’t take it out on your mailman.
In Maryland, a postal worker was recently shot amid numerous recent attacks on mail carriers.
My mailman is a ‘substitute’, since a hiring freeze leaves them unable to hire more permanent carriers. But he still his job amazingly, even bringing me bags (for my outgoing boxes) without me even asking.
Your carrier is probably stressed during this busy season, and the negative sentiment going around about the post office can’t be lifting his spirits. So, next time you see your mail carrier, give him a friendly wave! Say hi! Tell him you appreciate him.
He brings happiness to your doorstep!