American/British Conversion chart: cut out & save!

American British crochet terms conversion - printable chart

Do you need a handy dandy refernce for converting between American and British crochet terms and hook sizes?

I’ve got you covered.

As I am about to enter my 3rd year of spending 1/15th of my year in the Land Down Under, I am becoming increasingly aware of the differences between the US and Australia. Forget about vegemite vs. peanut butter… the real issue is sorting out your crochet patterns!

The worst part about it is that the two countries use the exact same terms – but for different stitches! Talk about confusing!

I made a handy-dandy guide that you can print out and carry along with you. You don’t even need to travel much to use it: chances are, you’ve run across a great pattern from another country, and you have to translate the terms. No longer a problem! You can even hide this chart in your pocket and impress your friends!

Right-click the image to save it to your computer for easy printing and handy reference.

Want more conversion charts? This post has an even more detailed printable chart. It doesn’t include American and British crochet terms, but it lists all the different yarn sizes, the various names they have in lots of different countries, and the recommended crochet hook size for each yarn weight.

Happy stitching!

Here are handy links to all the posts about working with crochet patterns. . .

Return to the main table of contents for Let’s Learn to Crochet Amigurumi.

Move on to the lessons for working the first round of your crochet pattern.

Happy stitching!


  1. Cute! I’m just in the process of putting together all my printed crochet patterns in a folder and thought ‘I need a conversion chart for the American ones’ and found your cute chart! Thanks 🙂

    • Yay! So glad it’s useful for you 🙂

  2. Pingback: Jazzing up a skirt « crochetime

  3. mj SAYS...

    About to travel in usa so was really glad of your chart – and fun to boot!

  4. Desiree Greyling SAYS...

    I taught myself to crochet whilst in Zimbabwe by using the American book of crochet. I made a love star design table mat was very impressed. My grannie when she saw what i was doing said oh no my dear you must use the British way of crocheting so I had to relearn all the different terms. I like your chart and will down load it and keep it with me. A lot of crochet lessons on the pc is for american crochet. Does it make that much of a difference? Kind regards Des

    • @Desiree- as long as you know the differences in terms, you’ll be fine. It’s important to know if a pattern is American or UK, otherwise, if you use the incorrect stitches, you won’t end up with the same item!

  5. Melanie SAYS...

    This is fabulous, thanks!

  6. Love love love this ~ thank you so much for presenting this info so clearly and with such great humour. I’ve linked to this page from my blog ( ~ I hope that is okay ~ if you’d rather I removed the link then let me know and not course I will do so.
    Thanks again.

  7. Una Genty SAYS...

    Thank you so much for this information. I now know what I have done wrong in my last project which were Boot Cuffs.

  8. Carmen SAYS...

    Hi, am make baby hat and its really small, am new to crocheting and am now wondering if I’m doing the stitches wrong. If it asks for dc do I do a treble stitch, the pattern is from the us. And thank you for the hook sizing chart.

    • Hi Carmen- Yes, a dc in American is a British treble stitch. You could view an ‘american double crochet’ video on YouTube if you’d like to double check.

  9. Tina SAYS...

    Just what I needed. Thank you so much! Would be cool if all patterns could come with a note whether they are UK or US 😉

    • Hahaha! Yes, it would be! I think that getting all designers to agree to do that would be a bit like herding cats 😉

  10. Thanks for the conversion chart. I needed it to help someone from ‘Across the Pond’ who is unused to American crochet terms. I think this help her so she can understand my granny square patterns. I can see how it would be confusing if you didn’t know. I truly appreciate it.