How to Make a Quilt Hanging Sleeve

How to make a quilt hanging sleeve - sample sleeve shown from back

I get a lot of questions about how to make a quilt hanging sleeve, so here (finally!) is a tutorial. 🙂

1. Cut a strip of fabric 4 inches wide and as long as the width of your quilt. You’re going to hem the edges and that will bring the sides of your hanging sleeve in a bit from the edges of the quilt – which will allow you to hide the hanging hardware if you want.

2. Hem the sides of your strip. I turn it under roughly 3/8 inch and then another 3/8 inch – but it doesn’t need to be exact. (Here’s a video showing how to sew a double-fold hem.)

rectangle of fabric with hemmed sides

3. Fold the strip in half, right sides facing out. Press.

rectangle of green fabric on a blue background

If you’re going to use a really fat rod to hang the quilt, you might want to fold it not-exactly in half, so that the sleeve pouches out a bit in back to make a little extra room for the rod. I always use a fairly slender curtain rod, though, so I just fold it in half.

4. Line up the raw edges of the sleeve with the raw edge of the top of the quilt and pin or clip in place.

Green sleeve pinned to the back of a blue quilt

5. Sew the hanging sleeve in place while you attach the binding – one easy step! (This video shows how I bind my quilts.)

hanging sleeve sewn to the top edge of a quilt

6. Hand sew the bottom of the hanging sleeve in place when you hand sew the back of the binding.

Finished back of quilt with a hanging sleeve at the top - a tutorial from Shiny Happy World


You want to see the front of this little wall hanging, don’t you?

finished applique cat mini quilt/wall hanging - fat orange cat on a purple background

It’s my favorite block from this Cat Quilt pattern. 🙂

Want to add a little extra fanciness to a single-block wall-hanging? Add a wonky churn dash frame around the block, like I did here.

Make a Wall Hanging - How to Add a Wonky Churn Dash Frame to Your Favorite Quilt Block - tutorial from Shiny Happy World

So cute! Single-blocks wall hangings like this are a great way to get extra use out of your quilt patterns.

Here are all my posts about how to bind and finish your quilt.

Finished with this topic?

Return to the Let’s Make a Quilt main Table of Contents.

Move on to more info about other things (not quilts!) that you can make with your applique patterns.

Happy sewing!


  1. Diana SAYS...

    I made one of these hanging sleeves for an old quilt block and it came out great. I only have one question. Is the wooden dowel what you use to hang the quilt block to a wall? I just put a piece of jute through the sleeve and hung it on a nail. How do your single quilt blocks look like when they are on the wall?

    • Yes – that little dowel is what I use to hang single quilt blocks. You can balance it on two small nails and it’s totally invisible. For larger quilts I use a curtain rod and the hooks that come with it.

  2. Pat Wieber SAYS...

    I have made my hanging sleeves in two sections so that I can use the space between where the dowel is open to position it on my nail for hanging.

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