Archives: Week 11

Let’s tiptoe down memory lane to see what I was doing during the eleventh week of every year since the start of Shiny Happy World. 🙂 Click on the images to go to the posts.

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Hee hee! I love this little guy!


How Many Strands of Embroidery Thread Should I Use?

One of my most frequently asked questions.


How to Whipstitch Felt Edges - video

My favorite stitch for sewing felt pieces together.


Easter Eggstras - Free Pattern for Easter accessories for toys from Shiny Happy World

Make some bunny ears and fancy eggs for all your stuffed toys!


triangle kangaroo and baby from Shiny Happy World

A free pattern for some fun baby toys made entirely of triangles.


Easter Craft Ideas - make a pretty embroidered felt egg with this free pattern

One of my very favorite free patterns – a gorgeous stitched Easter egg.


Quilting from the Center Out to the Edges - a video tutorial from Shiny Happy World

I always start quilting in the middle and then work my way out – but that means something different depending on whether you’re machine or hand quilting. In this video I explain both options.


Make a Quilt Block with Soft 3D Parts - a video tutorial from Shiny Happy World

This is the same technique and materials I use for softies – adapted to use in quilt blocks!


***eligible for Week 11 sale***

An adorable chubby penguin.


***included in Week 11 sale***

A sweet giraffe.


***eligible for Week 11 sale***

Adorable mix & match bunnies with many moods.


An assortment of fabric squares with quilting lines printed on them. Text reads: Printed Quilt Blocks - Fabric Bundles

The quilting lines are printed right on the blocks, and they’re in color-coordinated bundles. An easy peasy way to get started!


Just one of the options in the lush Moths and Butterflies collection. The same design is available in every color of the rainbow, and scales that will work for everything from bedding to baby clothes.


An adorable paper collage version of Beckham Bear and a discussion of covers.